Work Packages
Work Package 1
​1) To provide project management and coordination that makes participation smooth for the project partners.
2) To ensure all periodic and continuous reporting, including financial aspects, are executed.
3) To ensure timely completion and quality of project deliverables and communication with the granting authority.
Work Package 3
Small-scale flow and turbulence
Increase the knowledge about relevant atmospheric turbulent and coherent structures affecting future large (>15MW) wind turbine rotors achieved by experimental observations and model development, as well as the development of simulation tools and remote sensing concepts for industrial uptake.
Work Package 5
Large-scale flow and downscaling
Increase the knowledge about how tomorrow's wind farms will be influenced by interactions with atmospheric large-scale phenomena by flow modelling and development of downscaling schemes for WRF (an open-source weather model) simulations coupled with an uncertainty tool for wind turbine design.
Work Package 2
​1) To design and track personalized career development plans for each industrial PhD fellow.
2) To ensure a homogeneous technical training throughout the training network.
3) To develop training in transferable skills for strengthening the human capital in research and innovation.
4) To organize and coordinate network-wide training events for the industrial PhD fellows.
Work Package 4
Flow over complex
and forested terrain
Increase the knowledge about accuracy and computational efficiency of physical and data-driven modelling approaches as well as measurement strategies for flow over complex and forested terrain with industrial applications within resource assessment, turbine control and load calculations.
Work Package 6
Communication, dissemination,
and exploitation
1) To disseminate the AptWind results, mobilize stakeholders and establish deep ties with relevant entities.
2) To facilitate the dissemination and communication by implementation of relevant tools and designs.
3) To plan the proper exploitation of the innovation results and doctorates delivered for maximized impact.